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Lady Raine | April 26, 2011 at 5:12 PM |
John Smith:

Affirmative Action is not even remotely similar to any of the previous laws I mentioned nor the ones that I didn’t list. A law that denies employers the right to be sexist or racist is in the interest of equality. It isn’t some sort of “quota” like the imaginary stories you’ve clearly been brainwashed into believing.

Second, like Desi & Julie said…..accusing the ladies here is definitely barking up the wrong tree. We are privately employed women of all ages, races, and demographics.

Dude…I’m a CNC Machinist by trade. Guess what? There are PLENTY of guys in the shop of all ages and also plenty of men in the trade. There are 2% women. Nobody is “handing” women any male jobs. I have to bust my ass everyday and there is certainly no such thing as Feminism in a shop. Nor are there whiny, pussy-bitch men who can’t handle some hard work.

That’s why people like us here are employed. We work hard. We don’t have “bullshit” jobs. We earn our income honestly just like everyone else.

Once you’ve worked a 6:00am – 4:30pm Shop job as a Machinist while raising your child, you can tell me how cushy my life is. Or once you’ve worked full time and been a nurse to your husband like Julie does, you can tell her. Or once you’ve been a business-owner like Desi, you can tell her.

Until that day… may want to troll some sites that actually have the type of women you speak of. Or maybe just go back to the Spearhead and talk “hamster wheels” and “male oppression”.

Lady Raine | April 26, 2011 at 5:18 PM |
John Smith also said:

Warren Farrell noted in “The Mytho Of Male Power” that men SPEND 86 percent of the money in this country. That women don’t “earn” as much as men makes it pretty clear: MEN MAKE, WOMEN TAKE.