Messages aux participants
Message Espagnol du 30/01/15
Dear all,
I have been having a look at our draft of the project.
I have included some aspects in G.2. Recently, I assisted to a course on Erasmus + and we have been told that it is very important to include that we are going to communicate and publish our work in etwinning, so I included it.
Also, we have to work on G.3 , because we have to include the activities with details.
A very important question I have is the age of our students.
Next week I have a meeting with my headmaster and I will give you more details.
I resend again the application form, as I do not know how to do it in the wiki.
propositions espagnoles
Message Italie du 29/01/15
Cher Patric, et collegues espagnoles et portugueses
j'envoie des propositions...
Les propositions italiennes en italien, en anglais et en français
Message Portugal du 29/01
Envoyé: Jeudi 29 Janvier 2015 14:10:51
Objet: Re:
Cher Patric,
en ce qui nous concerne la thématique Culture et Alimentation c'est bon.
Nous pensons qu'il est possible de travailler sur les deux thèmes en simultanée.
On peut même associer le tourisme (chaque pays pourrait être un promoteur touristique: caractéristiques naturelles du pays, agro-tourisme, gastronomie, culture, produits régionaux - alimentation, vins, artisanat, ...-, langues, monuments, etc.)
Nous sommes d'accord avec la strucure du projet.
Que faut-il faire pour vous aider?
Nous sommes disponibles pour organizer une réunion du projet au Portugal (juillet ou septembre/octobre 2016).
À bientôt.
Gracinda et Guilherme
Message de France 26/01
en français et en espagnol
Ce samedi 24 janvier notre équipe c'est remise au travail. Afin de poursuivre et de ne pas perdre de temps pourriez-vous valider ou pas les propositions suivantes et faire des propositions:
Dans un premier temps la structure de notre projet:
1/ Participants: France: coordinateur, Espagne, Italie, Portugal
(nous n'avons plus de nouvelle du partenaire turc)
2/ Durée choisie du programme: 2 ans
3/ Langue utilisée pour la production : l'anglais pour les productions communes, mais aussi les langues de tous les partenaires (langues romanes) afin de travailler sur l'intercompréhension.
4/ Echanges et déplacements :
A/ 3 rencontres adultes:
- la première au démarrage à Montpellier en septembre 2015
- la seconde en septembre/ octobre 2016 lieu à définir
- la dernière pour conclure / juillet 2017 lieu à définir
Ces rencontres serviront
- à structurer le projet et finaliser les choix de productions,
- à rassembler des productions et faire une exposition.
- à échanger sur les pratiques pédagogiques
B/ Voyage de groupes d'enfants :
- Un voyage au printemps 2016
- Un voyage au printemps 2017
Chaque pays choisit ses pays destinations et le nombre de participants.
Nous souhaitons faire voyager une classe entière (entre 25 et 30) chaque année répartis en plusieurs groupes avec des destinations différentes.
5/ Supports de communication:
A/ Création d'un site commun (Wiki) où nous déposerons nos travaux collectifs et collaboratifs.
B/ Chaque pays a un blog, ou un site personnel, ou le site de l'établissement pour déposer les travaux propres à l'établissement en lien avec le programme du projet.
6/ Nous allons établir un calendrier pour les thématiques abordées et définir les études et productions communes.
7/ Chaque partenaire doit à présent affiner la thématique: Culture / Alimentation/????
Nous allons le faire ce mercredi en équipe d'enseignants à Montpellier.
De còr e d 'òc
Hola Belén
Aquí tienes el correo que mandamos a todos los de Erasmus (en francés).
El sábado 26 de enero nuestro grupo se ha puesto a trabajar. Para poder
seguir nos gustaría saber si estáis de acuerdo con lo que sigue.
Estructura del proyecto:
1) participantes Francia - coordinador, España , Italia, Portugal . De
momento no sabemos nada del participante turco.
2) Duración del proyecto : dos años
3) Idioma para la producción : el inglés para las producciones comunas ,
pero también los otros idiomas de los participantes. (idiomas "romanos")
para poder trabajar sobre la " ínter-comprensión".
4) Ínter cambiar y viajar :
a) 3 encuentros entre los adultos
El primer intercambio al empezar : en Francia Montpellier septiembre de
El segundo : septiembre / octubre : sitio ? tenemos que elegir (hacer
El ultimo para concluir : julio de 2017 : sitio ? tenemos que elegir
(hacer proposiciones)
Estos encuentros servirán para :
-estructurar el proyecto y decidir de lo que vamos a producir
(producciones comunes: cada país hará la suya y pondremos todo en común).
-reunir las producciones y hacer una muestra
- intercambiar sobre las prácticas pedagógicas
b) viajes con los estudiantes
-un viaje durante la primavera de 2016
-un viaje durante la primavera de 2017
Cada país elige su destinación y el numero de participantes .
A nosotros nos gustaría que viaje una clase completa (entre 25/30
alumnos) cada año repartidos en varios grupos y con destinaciones
5) Medios de comunicación :
A) Creación de una pagina web comuna (wiki) donde pondríamos el/ los
trabajo(s) colectivo(s) y cooperativo (s).
B) Cada pais tiene (o crea) un BLOG , o un espacio personal (pagina o
sitio web), puede ser la pagina web del colegio para poner las
producciones de cada escuela en relación con el programa del proyecto.
6) Vamos a preparar un calendario para los diferentes temas de los que
hablaremos y para decidir lo que estudiaremos y las producciones comunas
que haremos .
7) Cada participante tiene que pensar en las temáticas propuestas
(cultura, alimentación... medio ambiente ???)
Hasta muy pronto.
Espero que esté claro lo que escribí . Yo te puedo llamar por teléfono
si tienes un tel fijo. Si no, lo haré desde el colegio cada vez que me
pidas que lo haga o que sea necesario para entendernos mejor. No te
Un abrazo
Message Italie du 2 décembre 2014
Message du 02/12/14 09:17
De :
A : "8.karraienazam" <>
Copie à :
Objet : Re: Erasmus + project
Dear Azam Karraien,
I'm very glad of receiveing from You this
mail. I had a very positive experience with Colegi Calandreta Leon
Cordas and I hope we will be able to repeat it ( in a better way, of
course !).
I'll have a meeting about Erasmus Tomorrow afternoon and I
will take your suggestions to this meeting. We will reflect about
and I'll give you an answer.
As long as we discussed and agreeded
about last year project, I can already say that we agreed about the
objectives and the topics you mentioned in your mail.
We are planning
about inservice teacher training Erasmus + K, too.
Best regards
Il 01.12.2014 16:37 8.karraienazam ha scritto:
First of all I will introduce myself. I'm Azam KARRAIEN and
I'm student in BTS Personal Assistant and I'm in period of practice
until 19th December of 2014 at
Collègi Calendreta Leon Cordas. I'm
here to help them for that Erasmus + project.
So, it's the occasion to
advance the maximum possible on that project.
For more informations,
you can contact me on my mail address:
We have the pleasure to work with you in this new Erasmus +
This Erasmus + project concerns, of course, the students but there
are parents and teachers too, especially foreign language teachers.
I think we can plan about a team of teachers in each school working on the project, including English teachers and French teachers(for Italy) and Italian teachers (for France). I don’t know exactly about the other partners.
This project will permitting us to work as a "small" team to assure
The main idea is to continue on the same topic of the
last year.I agree.
Nowadays, in a moment of worldwide crisis, it's
necessary to feel that we belong to Europe, to a wide zone that can
ourselves to know and be in contact
with new of lives that can teach
us different forms of teaching, learning and working. Additionally, as
Europe is gradually becoming more and more multicultural,
the process
of European integration is influencing educational choices of the
This is why, the travels is one of the most important
point in our project. In fact students can take great benefits from
being in contact with countries abroad, as
not many of our students
travelled abroad, because of their socio-economic aspects do not
themselves to travel for example. Our students are in the same condition: we live in a lonely valley; it’s hard to go to a big city, because there aren’t fast roads, nor parents have the opportunity or can see the benefits of going to visit a city, go to a cinema or a theater, museum or other cultural places, apart from commercial centres.
Moreover this project permit to the
students to perceive themselves as citizens of Europe who share
European values and contribute to the development of mutual understanding and cooperation.
The most relevant priorities of our project will be to promoting healthy lifestyles, that's why the main topics are: Health and well being.
It will be an innovative one because the project works
in terms of Mediterranean food and one modern concept as it is
ecological nutrition to have a healthy lifestyle. We can also consider the returning to mountain of young families, who try to find a different context of life, and preventing natural disasters: our valley is the valley of river Po and we suffered for floads several times, but these floads depend from cleaning and keeping in order small channels, woods, etc. Our areahas been included in Unesco MABbecause it’s an area to be protected. I remember that also near Montpellier we visited a protected area.
It will be
interesting if you can find a local organisation who can promoting
healthy lifestyle. We don’t have an association like this, but we have a factory working with bioagriculture and we have legambiente which is an association promoting the environmental topics.
Participation at local festivals can be
interesting too, it will permit to the students, teachers and parents to
discover new history, songs, fashion and cuisine and lead them to the
harmony of different cultures. Furthermore, this project will not only
offer academic knowledge but the ability to understand and accept
other cultures, to notice that with foreign language they can
communicate. In October we have a fair in Paesana, in july there is a fair about small fruits (strawberries, raspberries etc.) in a village nont very far, in February 2017 there will be a very important and tradional festival in an Occitanian village located in the same Monviso area (Baio in Sampeyre: you can find more on internet
The objectives of this project are the following
-Make aware teachers, students to the preservation of tradition and culture of different regions in terms of nutrition and the context of diversity making aware the students that in each country/school we have also foreign pupils, pupils with parents coming from different cultures and traditions.
-To enhance the change, cooperation and mobility of education systems in social life to be a good reference in high standards
-To develop skills such as: ICT, foreign language,curricular integration, exchange of good practices
-To support English and other foreign language learning preparing multilingual dictionaries, and translating more texts in all the languages of the partnership.
-To develop the belongings to wide a cultural reality: Europe
-Organise activities related to European and national celebrations
-To promote the integration and support the pupils
-To support creativity and enterprise by observing the way of
working in different European countries we can prepare a visit to the bio factory close to our place
-Discovery of new countries with a presentation of our context, especially from the point of view of landscape, agriculture, …
(for the students specially)
-To create a net for cultural exchange
among the schools to develop pupils interpersonal skills
complete our objectives, we are going to carry out the following
strategies: I think we have to describe more precisely the activities, subjects to be included, time or realization: I will try with some examples
-A multidisciplinary and transversal work of the
different community members about agriculture, changes that occurred in the last century, an questionnaire about family diet of our pupils,
tipical meals, describing meals for special days, with menu and preparation, meals in literature or films or songs,
about health: which programmes we use to make the students aware of the food composition, the right diet in adolescence, the importance of gym…
We could prepare a common work/plan to teach in a parallel way these topics in our classes ( as long as UE is very interested in approving common works, not just comparison between different national programs)and make a final evaluation
-Sharing methodological practice between teachers
-Intervention and participation in local project with the Community We could chose a traditional festival or event to prepare a presentation for the partners of the project, may be with some music support and even participation to the events.
-Using the social network for the communication of the
educative community: (Facebook, Skype, emails...Etwinning) I got a long list of possible ICT to be used for common works, that aa Etwinning ambassador gave us. I’ll send in attachment.
-Celebration of common activities in terms of nutrition in Carnivals, Easter,
-Elaborating a common blog containing the results and product of the project
If you want continue in that
way, or that you want add something new, we are open to your
Sincerely yours,